Martha’s Vineyard Songwriting Festival

Some things happen for a reason. The universe just aligns itself and suddenly you find a door opens that you were sure was closed.

That’s how I ended up at the Martha’s Vineyard Songwriting festival. I’d heard about it a few years back, from Lucy Le Blanc, an amazing songwriter herself, she attends every year, but have never been able to attend. I assumed this year would be no different, but a last minute request to be in Boston for a business meeting the week before got me thinking, so next thing I knew I booked my ticket and was off!

I wasn’t sure what to expect and was a little apprehensive that I’d be way out of my league, there were amazing songwriters and performers there, but as often happens when I’ve been in large groups of songwriters, the atmosphere is so welcoming that you almost immediately become family and next thing you know your up til 3 am singing and talking and listening and bonding.

The facilitators – Clay Mills and Marty Dodson of Songtown were excellent. They are both professional writers living and working in Nashville. They have vast knowledge and experience, but what really makes them unique is they really care about helping us write great songs. The Mentors were also excellent, I got to work with Jimmy Yeary and Lance Carpenter and it was amazing to watch and listen as they gave feedback on everyone’s songs. A bit nerve wracking when my time came, but they were both so sincere (and a bit intense) that it felt good to hear what they thought needed to be improved. I workshopped my song “Seven Wild Horses” which I recorded last year as well as a newer song called “What it takes to be a man” Which I have yet to record.

Friday night opened with a Southern BBQ and guitar pull. it was an incredible way to get to know the other songwriters, as well as the mentors and hosts. I was a bit star struck and didn’t muster the nerve to grab a guitar and share a song. I did do that later in the evening back at the house by the late night fire.

Another unique aspect of the weekend was That we all stayed in large houses together, this was a great way to get to know everyone.

I really want to go back again next year! I’d like to see more of Martha’s Vineyard and bring the courage to perform on opening night!  Stay tuned!


All Photos are by (c) 2017 Dianna Taub. Who is an amazing songwriter and photographer in her own right!

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